The Children’s Museum of Richmond opens its Fredericksburg branch at 10 a.m. Saturday

Children’s Museum Opens Saturday in Fredericksburg

by | Dec 13, 2014 | Arts & Features, Education

By Susan Larson

The Children’s Museum of Richmond (CMoR) opens its 12,000-square-foot Fredericksburg satellite location at 10 a.m. Saturday, May 10, 2014.

Similar to the museum’s downtown Richmond location and its two other satellite branches in Short Pump and Chesterfield, CMoR Fredericksburg will be filled with exhibits designed to engage young children in hands on learning and play that helps develop social skills, gain confidence and become creative problem solvers, CMoR said in a press release.

Exhibits include an interactive magnet wall and an automotive themed area, which includes a racetrack and hard-to-miss 10-foot tire climbing structure designed to enhance children’s gross motor capabilities.

Educational and interactive elements include a main stage, which will host performance appearances and pretend theatre play; a jungle-themed toddler area; an interactive dig pit and a large art studio for creative expression.

Parental engagement will also be encouraged.  CMoR Fredericksburg will feature information for adults on early childhood brain development and ideas to extend learning opportunities beyond the museum visit.

CMoR Fredericksburg, located at 1275 Jefferson Davis Hwy. in Eagle Village, will be open daily from 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Museum admission is $8 per person, $7 for people over 60, and free for children under one. Family membership prices start at $135, allowing unlimited access to all CMoR locations for one year.
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