Seal of the City of Fredericksburg.

City Manager Recommends $84M Fredericksburg Budget

by | Dec 13, 2014 | Government

By Susan Larson

City Manager Bev Cameron recommended an increase of just over 3.6 percent in the FY2015 Fredericksburg budget.  “This is the fourth consecutive year without an increase in any tax rates,” Cameron told City Council during their March 11 meeting.

The total recommended budget is $84 million.

“The increases in the FY 2015 budget can mainly be attributed to increased costs in employee benefits, mandatory obligations with joint regional agencies, the Riverfront Park debt service payment, and our contribution to the Fredericksburg City Public Schools,” Cameron said.

Funding for Fredericksburg City Schools represents just over 31 percent of the city’s FY2015 general fund.  The recommended transfer of $26,355 million fully meets the school board’s request.

“There are no proposed adjustments to any of our tax rates, which results in no new programs or positions proposed in this budget.”

City Council and city staff will work together over the next two months to approve the budget. The first work session will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 25,  followed by work sessions on April 8 and 22.

The public hearing will be held at a special meeting scheduled for 7:30 p.m. April 15.  Citizens may register to speak by calling 540- 372-1010.

 City Manager’s Recommended Operating and Capital Budget FY 2015
Fredericksburg City Public School’s, Superintendent’s Proposed 2014-15 Operating Budget

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