Fredericksburg Literary Review.

Fredericksburg Literary Review Publishes Second Issue

by | Dec 13, 2014 | Uncategorized

The Fredericksburg Literary Review, Issue Two is ready for reading.  The journal of poetry, fiction and creative nonfiction is published by The Downtown Writing Studio at Water Street Studio, 915 A Sophia St.

Here’s what the publishers said about the second edition.

“Hitting the publish button is always exciting.

Elizabeth, Reilly, and I finally put to bed our second issue of FLR, and we are so proud. We are also grateful that people sent us their work. We know how hard it is. For those who don’t know, rejection is the title of that book. I’ve heard you need to send out 75 pieces for one submission. We’re happy our rate is higher, both for our acceptances to FLR and our own submissions to literary journals. But it’s still difficult to peel off your clothes in front of the world!  This issue focuses on strong images and rich emotions — many from folks publishing for the first time. Please take a look and leave a comment. Our writers would love to hear from you.”
Read the Spring 2014 issue online:


Creative Nonfiction


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