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Friends of the Rappahannock Director John Tippett Stepping Down

by | Dec 13, 2014 | Around Town

Friends of the Rappahannock press release:

John Tippett, long time director of Friends of the Rappahannock (FOR), is stepping down from his position.

Tippett, who has lead the river advocacy group since 1995, has been in a multiyear battle with neurologic Lyme disease. He has decided to step away from his executive director duties to focus on finding effective treatment.

“This has been an incredibly hard decision to make, but it’s the right one for me, my family and the organization,” Tippett said. “Over the past two decades we’ve built an exceptionally talented staff of environmental professionals. We’ve grown from working in just the Fredericksburg region to serving the Rappahannock from the mountains to the bay.”

Rich McDaniel, chairman of the FOR executive committee, said that Tippett has made huge strides for the organization.

“John has brought FOR from its infancy into a leading environmental force in Virginia. It’s going to be incredibly hard to replace him,” McDaniel said. “All of us on the executive committee wish John the best in his recovery efforts.”

Bill Micks, a founding member of Friends of the Rappahannock, said Tippett has shown a huge commitment to the Rappahannock’s health.

“Here’s a guy who decided to make this area his home, raise his family here and devote his life to this river,” Micks said. “I don’t think anybody in Virginia has done so much to work the kind of magic John has.”

The FOR executive committee will begin a search process for a new executive director. Tippett will stay in the role until a new director is found.

Tippett will work in an advisory role with the organization on a part time basis after the search has concluded.

Friends of the Rappahannock’s mission is to be the voice and active force for a healthy and scenic Rappahannock River.

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