Back-to-School. Photo by Susan Larson.

Prepare Now for Back-to-School

by | Dec 13, 2014 | Schools & Education

A bi-weekly column on Fredericksburg.Today by Elizabeth Colon, Above Grade Level Fredericksburg and Northern Virginia

The weather may still be hot and humid, but school is just around the corner.  Now is the time to get back into the school routine. Avoid procrastination.   You know what you need for back-to-school.  Prepare by making a list or two. Check off the items as you complete them.
List 1- Items needed for school
• Books

• School Supplies (Most stores have supply lists in the back-to-school section.  Check your school’s website for class specific lists.)

• New Clothes
List 2- Tasks you need to accomplish
• Tour the school

• Get an annual physical (any required vaccinations)

• Arrange for transportation (bus or carpool)

• Download any paperwork from the school website and complete

• Sign-up for any school mailing lists
 List 3 – Think about making these changes now to make the transition easier.
• Reset bedtimes and begin using the alarm clock again.

• Pick a homework place and stock it with homework supplies (we discussed this in another blog article here)

• Decide what time of day would be best for homework. Begin to establish the pattern by completing summer reading during this time.
Read Elizabeth’s other Fredericksburg.Today columns.
Columns on Fredericksburg.Today are recurrent features on specific topics or by regular contributors.  Guest writers present their own point-of-view and may not necessarily represent the viewpoint of Fredericksburg.Today.

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