
Josh Hardy Coming Home, Mom Says

by | Jan 28, 2015 | Uncategorized

By Susan Larson

Josh Hardy is coming home.  “After 6 1/2 months, Josh finally gets to be in his house,” wrote Aimee Hardy, Josh’s mother, on the SaveJosh Facebook page Wednesday morning, July 16.

“His kidney function has returned and he is free of the need of Dialysis. His heart function is within normal range. His lung function is perfect. His tummy is coming around. He has not had the need of a blood transfusion in a month. And with a lot of hard work his strength will return. He can walk a nice distance holding my hands. And we anticipate the return of his immunity in a few months.

“We do not have to be back in Memphis until 7/29. And after that appointment we should only have to come back to St Jude once a month until the one year mark in January.”

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