
Good Citizen Award Nominations Sought

by | Feb 23, 2015 | News

The College Heights Civic Association (CHCA) is now accepting applications for the first Good Citizen Award. This award will be presented to individuals or groups that further the mission of making Fredericksburg a pleasant and desirable place to live, through community service, involvement or heroic acts. The nominees do not need to be College Heights residents.

To nominate an individual or group, please email a letter of nomination highlighting the five criteria below to [email protected] by Friday, April 3, 2015.

1 – Creatively support all those who live, work, learn in our community;
2 – Contribute to the community beyond their own citizen responsibilities;
3 – Show great concern for the quality of life for the greater community;
4 – Encourage neighbors to participate in community life to the benefit of everyone;
5 – Overcome obstacles or takes risks in the pursuit of making and furthering the development of a stronger community.

The awards will be made at the association’s spring membership meeting in April. This is a great way to celebrate all of the great people in Fredericksburg.

The College Heights Civic Association is a community group comprised of residents in the College Heights neighborhood of Fredericksburg, which is bounded by Rt. 1, College Avenue and Hanover Street The group formed to create opportunities to socialize with neighbors, discuss issues affecting the neighborhood, and preserve a pleasant and desirable place to live.

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