
“Belmont Portrayed” to Honor 40th Anniversary of Gari Melchers Home and Studio

by | Aug 22, 2015 | News

Gari Melchers Home and Studio at Belmont will mark the 40th anniversary of its 1975 public opening with a juried exhibition of artistic interpretations of Belmont’s buildings and property.

“Belmont Portrayed” will be on view to the public from January 23 – April 17, 2016.

“We are announcing the show well in advance of the entry dates to allow artists to visit and create new works this summer and fall if they wish,” said Belmont Director David Berreth, who will make the final selections for the exhibition.

Entries will be accepted October 26 through November 20, 2015. For a full list of rules, visit the Call for Entries website. First place prize is $1,000 and will be determined by public vote.

Gari Melchers Home and Studio at Belmont is located at 224 Washington St., Falmouth.


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