
Fredericksburg Region Traffic Hot Spots August 23 – 29

by | Aug 22, 2015 | News

Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) hot spots in the Fredericksburg region for August 23 – 29, 2015.

Stafford County
Interstate 95 North
Monday – Thursday, 9 p.m. – 4:30 a.m. Motorists should expect single or double lane closures and travel delays on northbound I-95 between Exit 136 (Centreport Parkway) and Exit 140 (Rt. 630/Stafford). Crews are milling and paving in this area.

Route 1 at Falmouth
(New) Monday, 9 p.m. – 4:30 a.m.; One lane will be closed on northbound Route 1 just north of the Falmouth intersection for work associated with the Falmouth Intersection Improvement Project.

Route 17 at Falmouth
(New) On Tuesday, Aug. 25 one lane will be closed on westbound Route 17 at Falmouth from 9 p.m. – 4:30 a.m. On Wednesday, Aug. 26 and Thursday, Aug. 27 one lane will be closed on both east and westbound Route 17 from 9 p.m. – 4:30 a.m. Crews will be working in the median. This work is in connection with the Falmouth Intersection Improvement Project.

Route 17
(New) Sunday – Tuesday, 9 p.m. – 5 a.m.; One lane will be closed on the eastbound side of Route 17 between Celebrate Virginia Parkway and McLane Drive. This work is connection with the Route 17 Widening Project.

Route 17 at Powell Lane
(New) On Sunday the left turn lane from Route 17 westbound to Powell Lane will be permanently closed. This closure is in connection with the Route 17 Widening Project.

Route 648 (Stefangia Road)
(Update) Monday – Wednesday, 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.; Motorists should expect lane closures, brief delays and a rough driving surface on Stefangia Road between Poplar Road and Mountain View Road. Crews will be milling and paving in this area.

Traffic Signal Safety Inspections
(New) Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.; Beginning Monday crews will be inspecting traffic signal structures at various intersections on

Route 1 (Jefferson Davis Hwy.) near the I-95 interchange
Route 610 (Garrisonville Road)
Route 630 (Courthouse Road)
Route 627 (Mountain View Road)

Line Painting Operation
Crews will begin line painting on various four-lane primary routes throughout the county. When approaching this mobile work zone, motorists should be alert to slow moving vehicles, expect delays, and avoid passing in the work zone. Passing in the work zone may cause tracking of the freshly painted lines, and the wet paint may adhere to a vehicle. Crews will be working Monday through Friday during the overnight hours to minimize delays.

City of Fredericksburg
Fall Hill Avenue Project Work Zones

(New) Beginning Tuesday crews will be placing the beams for the new Fall Hill Avenue bridge over I-95. The following lane closures and traffic stops are planned. The work zone will impact traffic on I-95 southbound and northbound at mile marker 132. Use Route 1 or Route 310 to avoid delays.
I-95 Southbound – On Tuesday and Wednesday a single lane closure will be in place at 9:30 p.m. A double lane closure will begin at 10 p.m. Then between midnight and 3 a.m. all traffic will be stopped four times for approximately 15 minutes at a time while crews lift concrete beams over the interstate. All lanes will be open to traffic by 5 a.m.
I-95 Northbound – On Thursday a single lane closure will begin at 9:30 p.m. A double lane closure will be in place at 10 p.m. The between midnight and 3 a.m. all traffic will be stopped four times for approximately 15 minutes at a time while crews lift concrete beams over the interstate. All lanes will be open to traffic by 4:30 a.m.

Spotsylvania County

Interstate 95 North
(New) Sunday, 9 p.m. – 4:30 a.m. Crews will be installing reflective pavement markers on I-95 northbound between Exit 126 (Rt. 1/Spotsylvania) and Exit 130 (Rt. 3/Fredericksburg). One lane will be closed in this mobile work zone.

Bridge Inspections
(New) Monday – Thursday, 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.; Crews will be conducting routine bridge inspections at the following locations. One lane will be closed in the work zone.
I-95 northbound and southbound at mile markers 125-126 located near Exit 126 (Route 1/Spotsylvania) at the Route 17 bridge over the interstate. (Monday – Tuesday).
I-95 northbound and southbound at mile marker 128 located just north of Exit 126 (Route 1/Spotsylvania) at the Route 208 17 bridge over the interstate (Wednesday – Thursday).

Route 208 Business
(New) Sunday, 7 p.m. – 7 a.m.; Motorists will be restricted to one lane on Route 208 from the north end of the Po River to Spotsylvania Courthouse and again near the intersection with Brock Road/Lake Anna Parkway. Crews will be milling and paving in this area.

Mine Road at CSX Railroad Crossing (Benchmark Road intersection)
(Update) Motorists are reminded that the CSX railroad crossing on Mine Road, located just before the intersection with Benchmark Road is closed to all traffic. The intersection will remain closed until Friday, Aug. 28. It will be a 24-hour closure. Benchmark Road, on both sides of the rail crossing, will remain open to traffic. CSX crews will be making necessary repairs at the crossing.

Line Painting Operation
Crews will continue line painting on various secondary routes in the vicinity of Route 2, Route 3, Route 208, and areas in the vicinity of Route 612 and Route 621 then move to various four-lane primary routes. When approaching this mobile work zone, motorists should be alert to slow moving vehicles, expect delays, and avoid passing in the work zone. Passing in the work zone may cause tracking of the freshly painted lines, and the wet paint may adhere to a vehicle. Crews will be mostly working Monday through Friday during daylight and overnight hours. The line painting work on primary routes will take place during the overnight hours in an effort to minimize delays.

Under Construction


Fall Hill Avenue Widening and I-95 Overpass Replacement Project
Construction is underway on the Fall Hill Avenue widening and I-95 overpass replacement project. Motorists should expect lane closures and brief delays on Fall Hill Avenue between the Rappahannock Canal Bridge and Carl D. Silver Boulevard. The project is expected to be complete in January 2017.

Spotsylvania County

Route 17/Benchmark Road/Crossroads Parkway
Motorists should expect lane closures and brief traffic stops on Route 17 at Benchmark Road and Crossroads Parkway, located just east of the CSX railroad tracks and west of Jim Morris Road. Flaggers will direct motorists through the work zone. This work is related to construction of a new Virginia Railway Express train station and parking lot. This project is being administered by Spotsylvania County.

Stafford County

Route 17
Construction is underway to widen Route 17 from four to six lanes between McLane Drive and Stafford Lakes Parkway, a distance of nearly 2 miles. The work zone extends from just south of the I-95 interchange to Cardinal Forest Drive. Motorists should be alert to changes in traffic pattern and periodic overnight lane closures. Project completion date is December 2016.

Falmouth Intersection (Route 1/Route 17 Business/Route 218)
Construction is underway. Motorists should be prepared for brief delays and periodic lane closures on Butler Road and Route 1 just north and south of the Falmouth intersection. Project completion date is September 2015.

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