
Fredericksburg City Council Agenda September 8

by | Sep 8, 2015 | Government

Photo copyright Fredericksburg.Today.

Council Work Session
5:30 – 7 p.m. at City Hall, 715 Princess Anne St., on the second floor. Open to the public. Enter by the side door from the parking lot.

Topics on September 8, 2015, are:
A. Presentation related to public safety radio system.

B. Review and discussion of Resolution 15-__, Amending the Zoning Regulations in the R-4 and R-8 Residential Zoning Districts and for Residential Uses in the C-T Commercial/Office-Transitional District, for Lots of Record Prior to April 25, 1984, to Require the Front Building Façade to be Oriented Toward the Front Yard, to Make the Infill Front Yard Setback Mandatory, and to Reduce the Minimum Infill Side Yard Setback; Amending the Method for Calculating Average Yard Setbacks

City Council Regular Session
City Council meetings begin at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall, Fredericksburg, Va. 22401. Enter the at the lower from Hanover Street.

Live streaming of the meeting is available at Regional Web TV.

The council’s regular sessions are televised live on Cox Channel 24 and Verizon Channel 42 and rebroadcast on Wednesday at noon and on Thursday and Friday at 7:30 p.m., according to the city’s website.

The complete agenda, including links to the documents mentioned, is available online

1. Call to Order
2. Invocation by Councilor Matthew J. Kelly
3. Pledge of Allegiance by Mayor Mary Katherine Greenlaw
4. Presentations – Feet First in Fredericksburg Campaign – Chief David Nye and Sarah Kirkpatrick, PIO

5.Public Hearing
A.Ordinance 15-__, First Read, Noise Ordinance
1. Removing the general prohibition on unreasonable noise;
2. Adding a specific prohibition on shouting in the streets and sidewalks at night;
3. Add a specific prohibition on noise generated by a person or group that is plainly audible at 100 feet; and
4. Removing hour-of-day limitations on the specific prohibition of audio devices (except for the downtown business district) and increase the plainly audible standard on that prohibition from 50 feet to 100 feet.
Documents: 5a Noise Ordinance.pdf

B.Implementing the 2014-2015 Community Development Block Grant Programs for the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER)
Documents: 5b CAPER.pdf

C. Ordinance 15-__, First Read, Providing for Issuance and Sale of a Landfill Revenue Bond of the City of Fredericksburg, Virginia, in an Amount Not to Exceed $2,250,000, and the Form, Details and Payment Thereof
Documents: 5c Landfill.pdf

6. Comments from the Public
City Council provides this opportunity each regular meeting for comments from citizens who have signed up to speak before the start of the meeting. To be fair to everyone, please observe the five-minute time limit and yield the floor when the Clerk of Council indicates that your time has expired. Decorum in the Council Chambers will be maintained. Comments that are not relevant to City business and disruptive are inappropriate and out of order.

7.Council Agenda
A. 401 Sophia Street – Councilor Kelly
B. Use of Personal Email Account for City Business – Councilor Frye

8.Consent Agenda
A. Transmittal of FRED Transit Progress Report – July 2015
Documents: 8a FRED Progress Report.pdf
B. Resolution 15-__Renewing a Lease With T-Mobile Northeast LLC for Space on the Courtland Water Tank for the Operation of Telecommunications Equipment
Documents: 8bT-Mobile Lease.pdf
C. Resolution 15-__, Referring the amended Mill District Rezoning Application to the Planning Commission, and Suspending the Deadline for Council Action
Documents: 8c Mill District.pdf
D.Transmittal of Boards and Commission Minutes
D.i.Architectural Review Board – July 13, 2015
Documents: 8d1 ARB 07-13-15.pdf
D.ii.Board of Social Services – June 11, 2015
Documents: 8d2 BSS 6-11-15.pdf
D.iii.Cable Commission – March 26, 2015
Documents: 8d3 Cable 3-26-15.pdf
D.iv.Fredericksburg Clean Committee – June 29, 2015
Documents: 8d4 Clean Committee 6-29-15.pdf
D.v.Fredericksburg Clean & Green Commission – June 1, 2013
Documents: 8d5 Clean Green 6-1-15.pdf
D.vi.Recreation Commission – June 18, 2015
Documents: 10a Rec Commission.pdf

9. Minutes
A.Work Session – April 28, 2015
Documents: 9a 4-28-15 Work Session.pdf
B.Work Session – June 16, 2015
Documents: 9b 6-16-15 Work Session.pdf
C.Work Session – June 23, 2015
Documents: 9c 6-23-15 Work Session.pdf
D.Public Hearing – August 11, 2015
Documents: 9d 8-11-15 Public Hearing Minutes.pdf
E.Regular Session – August 11, 2015
Documents: 9e 8-11-15 regular session minutes.pdf

10. City Manager Agenda
A.Ordinance 15-__, First Read, Removing the City Residency Requirement for the Position of School Board Representative to the Recreation Commission
Documents: 10a Rec Commission.pdf
B.Resolution15-__, Adopting a Revised and Updated Comprehensive Plan (2015)
Documents: 10b Comp Plan 2.pdf
C.Directing Planning Staff to Commence Preparation of Area Plans for Two Neighborhood Corridors in the City to Establish Specific Land Use Policies and Public Improvements as a Component of the City’s 2015 Comprehensive Plan
Documents: 10c Area Plans.pdf
D.Resolution 15-__, Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Amended Memorandum of Understanding With the Thos. J. Wack Company, for Development of a City Parking Garage Condominium Unit at Liberty Place
Documents: 10d Liberty Place.pdf
E. Resolution 15-__, Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Kimley-Horn for Engineering Design Services Associated with the Replacement of Five Downtown Traffic Signals
Documents: 10e Traffic Signals.pdf
F. Resolution 15-__, Denying the Appeal of a Site Plan Exception for a 20’ Alley for Governors Row
Documents: 10f Governors Row Appeal.pdf
G. Resolution 15-__, Initiating an Amendment to the Zoning Regulations in the R-4 and R-8 Residential Zoning Districts and for Residential Uses in the C-T Commercial/Office-Transitional District, to Require the Front Building Façade to be Oriented Toward the Front Yard, and , for Lots of Record Prior to April 25, 1984, to Make the Infill Front Yard Setback Mandatory, and to Reduce the Minimum Infill Side Yard Setback; Amending the Method for Calculating Average Yard Setbacks
Documents: 10g R4-R8 Amend.pdf
H. Resolution 15-__, First Read, Amending the Fiscal Year 2015 Budget for Final Adjustments
Documents: 10h Year end adjustment.pdf
I. Resolution 15-__, Awarding the Contract for Architectural and Engineering Design on the Riverfront Park to Rhodeside & Harwell
Documents: 10i Riverfront Park.pdf
J. Resolution 15-__, Awarding the Contract for Historic Structures Report for the Renwick Court Building, the Old Jail, and the Wallace Library to Commonwealth Architects
Documents: 10j Renwick.pdf
K. City Manager’s Update
Documents: 10k City Manager Update.pdf
L. Calendar
Documents: 10l Calendar.pdf

11. Closed Session
A. Closed Session Under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, Virginia Code 2.2-3711 (A)(3), to discuss acquisition of property for public parking downtown where discussion in open session would adversely affect the bargaining position of the City
Documents: 11a Closed Meeting.pdf
B. Resolution 15-__, Approving Certification of Closed Meeting

12. Adjournment


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