
Time Management: 3 Tips for Saying No

by | Sep 14, 2015 | Education

By Linda Clevenger, Organization Direct. Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

With the start of the new school year, we’re all dealing with lots of changes. Some we look forward to, others, not so much.

At this time of year, there will be many people, groups and organizations looking for you to volunteer — just a few minutes a week — to help their cause.

I have learned there are times to say, “no, thank you.” How can anyone be upset when you turn them down so politely? After all, isn’t this what we teach our children?

Here are three tips to help you identify when you should say no.

1. Use one calendar for everything, and keep it up-to-date. This will allow you to easily identify if you truly do have time to sell hot dogs at the upcoming fundraiser.

2. If you’re feeling overwhelmed even as the request is made, say no! Don’t add to the stress you are feeling.

3. Don’t take on more than you are able to handle. If you’re already exhausted from your current schedule, it’s time to say no.

I consider myself to be super organized. It’s what I teach. But there come times when even I need to realize I’ve reached my limit. There have been times it’s time to say no.

Saying no can be hard at first. Add in a thank you and a smile, and lose the guilt. You’re in charge of yourself, your time and your schedule. Act accordingly.

Linda Clevenger
Organization Direct
Scrum Training Academy
[email protected]
[email protected]

Read Linda’s previous blogs at Linda Clevenger on Fredericksburg.Today

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