
Stafford 9-1-1 Dispatcher Helps Father Deliver Baby

by | Jan 24, 2016 | Uncategorized

By Susan Larson. Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net.

It was during the height of the snow storm Saturday, Jan. 23, 2016, when Stafford 9-1-1 Dispatcher Roy received a father’s anxious call.

The baby was on the way, but the midwife wasn’t.

“The family was using the services of a midwife, but due to the weather the midwife had not been able to reach the residence,” said 1st Sgt. Eric Quinn, Stafford Sheriff’s Office public information officer.

Stafford County Fire and Rescue was dispatched while Dispatcher Roy stayed on the phone with the father. The baby was coming very quickly.

“Dispatcher Roy talked the father through the delivery,” Quinn said.

The father delivered his healthy son at 1:46 pm. Mother, baby and father are all doing well.

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