Burgers and BBQ was the second of five rounds in the 2016 Virginia Culinary Challenge. Fredericksburg’s Kybecca, located at 402 William St., won the first round, Best Small Bites.
Round 3 is Oysters and Seafood
Monday, April 4, through Thursday, April 7.
Winner announced Friday, April 8.
Round 4 is Bakeries and Desserts
Monday, April 11, through Thursday, April 14.
Winner announced Friday, April 15.
Round 5 is Local Hot Spots
Monday, April 18, through Thursday, April 21.
Winner announced Friday, April 22.
Voting in each round begins at 9 a.m. Monday and ends at 5 p.m. Thursday.
Allman’s Bar-B-Q a Virginia Culinary Challenge Contender
Kybecca Wins ‘Best Small Bites’ in Virginia Culinary Challenge