City of Fredericksburg Seal

Fredericksburg Planning Department to Host Neighborhood Meetings

by | Jul 18, 2016 | Government

The Fredericksburg Planning Department is hosting a series of neighborhood meetings with its planning consulting firm Streetsense, to outline their methodology and solicit citizen input as they begin to develop comprehensive plans for two areas.

The areas are:
Planning Area 3
Encompassing the State Route 3 corridor between I-95 and Jefferson Davis Highway, including the neighborhoods north and south of that roadway.

Planning Area 6
Including the residential and commercial areas along Fall Hill Avenue, Washington Avenue, Princess Anne Street, and Jefferson Davis Highway, in the area bounded by the Rappahannock Canal and the Rappahannock River.

Meetings will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the following locations:
– Tuesday, July 19, at James Monroe High School, 2300 Washington Ave. to discuss Planning Area 6.
– Wednesday, July 20, at the Village of Idlewild Community Center, 2280 Idlewild Blvd., to discuss Planning Area 3.

Additional neighborhood meetings will occur in the same locations on September 19 and 20 and again on November 15 and 16. “The subsequent meetings will review the ongoing research and present ideas and plans for further review and comment,” said Senior Planner Erik Nelson.

Questions may be directed to Nelson, at 540 372-1179, at [email protected], or by visiting the Planning Office in Room 209 of City Hall, 715 Princess Anne St., Fredericksburg.

Persons requiring accommodations to facilitate participation at the meetings are encouraged to contact the Planning Office in advance at 540-372-1179.

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