Orofino Italian Restaurant

Orofino Restaurant Delays Grand Opening

by | Aug 13, 2016 | Business

Orofino Italian Restaurant has interrupted its grand opening to address electrical issues exacerbated by the extreme heat.

Owner Danilo Orofino announced the decision after opening day, Friday, Aug. 12, 2016:

“We learned a lot tonight, not least of which is that the electrical system in the building couldn’t adequately handle the demand of the air conditioners as well as all the cooking and serving. I saw the staff and guests struggling in the heat, talked it over with my wife, our electrician (who was kind enough to rush over to the building to have a look at things), and the rest of the crew and I’ve decided for the sake of everyone’s health and safety to close the restaurant for two days until I’m sure that we have everything in perfect working order.”

“To everyone who signed up for the newsletter before the 10th and received the giveaway voucher, we’ll be accepting that for an additional two days, August 19 and 20, so you won’t miss out on the goodies that you were looking forward to enjoying this weekend.”

Orofino is located at 1006 C Caroline St. in downtown Fredericksburg.

Read more about Orofino at:
Orofino Italian Restaurant Opens in Downtown Fredericksburg

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