
Road Access Changes at Harrison Road and Rt. 1

by | Aug 25, 2016 | Traffic

From the Virginia Department of Transportation.

Access to several roads is changing near the intersection of Route 1 and Harrison Road in Spotsylvania County, where a Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) construction project is underway to add new travel lanes.

Wallace Lane
A new connector road opened between Wallace Lane and Harrison Road on Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2016. This connector road will allow traffic on Harrison Road to access businesses and destinations along Wallace Lane.

On Monday, Aug. 29, Wallace Lane will be closed to traffic at the intersection with Loren Drive, which is the service road running parallel to Route 1. Signs will be posted at the intersection and on Harrison Road to direct traffic to access Wallace Lane using the new connector road.

Loren Drive
On Monday, Aug. 29, Loren Drive will be closed south of Harrison Road between the intersection and Fleming Street. Traffic seeking to access Loren Drive south of Harrison Road should use the entrance at Route 1 and Fleming Street.

Project Background
The $22 million intersection improvement project seeks to reduce congestion and driver delay by building additional turn lanes and through lanes at the intersection, and extending existing turn lanes.

Sidewalks and new lighting will be added at the intersection. The project will also upgrade traffic signal equipment to include pedestrian crossing features. Construction began in May 2016, and will be completed in May 2018.

An estimated average of 24,600 vehicles a day travel through the intersection, according to a 2015 VDOT traffic count.

Fredericksburg Region Traffic Alerts August 21 – 27

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