Brian Dendis

Local National Park Service Manager Retires After 44 Years

by | Sep 5, 2016 | Government

By Susan Larson. Photo provided by Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park.

Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park Facilities Manager Brian Dendis retired September 2, 2016.

Today is the last day of our maintenance chief’s 43-year career, 26 spent at FRSP, We salute & thank Brian Dendis for his tremendous service— FredSpotNMP (@FredSpotNPS) September 2, 2016

Dendis began at Greenbelt Park and the Baltimore-Washington Parkway, before moving on to various parks in and around Washington, D.C., according to park staff.

During his 26 years at Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park, Dendis served as facilities manager at Fredericksburg, responsible for the maintenance branch, the largest of the divisions within the park.

“From overseeing hurricane cleanups, snow removal during blizzards, to stabilizing historic structures and vista clearings, Brian’s combined knowledge, experience, and care made him an effective manager and excellent steward of some of the park’s most fragile resources,” staff wrote on Facebook. “Brian saw and accomplished much during his time with the NPS and his dedication, easy going personality and sense of humor made him a pleasure to work with. Thanks for all you’ve done Brian!”

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