Women are the wall and Trump will pay, says a sign held at the Women's March on Washington.

Local Photographer Covers the Women’s March on Washington

by | Jan 23, 2017 | Business

By Susan Larson. Photos by Rebecca Cunningham, Rebecca Cunningham Photography. Used with permission.

Local photographer Rebecca Cunningham covered the Women’s March on Washington (WMW). “I attended the event in the capacity of a volunteer photographer, after watching the planning unfold on social media,” Cunningham said.

Organizers initiated plans for the march the day after Election Day 2016, in reaction to Donald Trump’s campaign rhetoric, which they found divisive, racist, and misogynistic. The event was held “for any person, regardless of gender or gender identity, who believes women’s rights are human rights,” organizers said.

WMW and related rallies in cities around the world were held on January 21, 2017, the day after Trump’s inauguration. There were events on every continent.

“I met women from all over the world, and listened to their stories about how they are feeling afraid and disenfranchised, and how the march gave them an opportunity to be together to support and empower each other,” Cunningham said of WMW.

“A highlight for me was Senator Tammy Duckworth’s passionate speech about being a disabled veteran, and the importance of protecting the Americans with Disabilities Act,” Cunningham said.

Following are tweets about the march from other Fredericksburg area residents:

Miles of people. Incredible. #WomensMarch #WomansMarchOnWashington pic.twitter.com/cI1NZUinVZ— Bill Blevins (@billblevins) January 21, 2017

Wow. @tracyblevins This is why we never made it over to the mall! #WomensMarch https://t.co/zXRxIdWgaq— Bill Blevins (@billblevins) January 22, 2017

@Fxbg2day It was packed. We were at Independence Ave. and L’Enfant Plaza. Couldn’t get to the Mall. Too many people. #WomensMarch— Bill Blevins (@billblevins) January 22, 2017

#Trump support sinks faster than the sun on Galway Bay @IrishCentral #womensmarch #values https://t.co/nW0oTsohtI— Hap Connors (@HapConnors) January 22, 2017

To those bashing the #WomensMarch remember you are home enjoying your liberties b/c someone, man or woman, before you marched to make it so.— Kara Vanderpool Ward (@karavanderpool2) January 22, 2017


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