Share your #lovefxbg photos from downtown Fredericksburg locations.

Share Your Love for Fredericksburg with the #lovefxbg Campaign

by | Feb 2, 2017 | Business

By Susan Larson. Photo copyright Fredericksburg.Today

Fredericksburg VA Main Street is re-launching its #lovefxbg campaign in 2017, with love stories from downtown Fredericksburg, and a social media campaign.

“Whether it’s couples in business, loyal residents and customers, or heartwarming stories of day’s past, there’s no doubt that downtown Fredericksburg inspirers love,” said Ann Glave, executive director of Fredericksburg VA Main Street. “You can get lost in a downtown store talking with the owners about their new products, family updates, and planned adventures. It’s a personal experience. You immediately see their passion, they’re love for what they’re doing.”

Fredericksburg VA Main Street partnered with the Fredericksburg Office of Economic Development and Tourism, Central Rappahannock Regional Library, and local photographer Vincent Knaus to identify and produce a series of love stories. All stories will be published January through March on Fredericksburg Today, and shared on social media at:
– Fredericksburg Downtown Facebook page

– Fredericksburg Downtown Twitter feed @FxbgDNTN.

– Fredericksburg.Today Facebook page

– Fredericksburg.Today Twitter feed @Fxbg2day

Everyone is encouraged to get involved. Use the #lovefxbg hashtag to talk about your favorite places and activities in, and things you love about downtown Fredericksburg.

Take your photo with a #lovefxbg “mask” — available at the Fredericksburg Visitor Center, 706 Caroline St. There are six to choose from, representing bars and eateries, shops and services, history and landmarks, river and recreation, studios and galleries, and battlefields and memorials. “These are the new Fredericksburg VA Main Street branding areas that highlight the diversity and vibrancy of downtown,” Glave said.

All Roads Lead to the Kitchen

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