“Almost Sunrise,” the true story of two Iraq-war vets who embark on a 2,700-mile trek across America in an attempt to put their haunting combat experiences behind them, will be shown at 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 12, 2017, at Adventure Brewing South.
Keith and April Peterson, owners of River Rock Outfitter, work with non-profits in the area who provide resources to veterans and their families, and were instrumental in bringing the film to Fredericksburg.
“When we were approached by Travis Hall, Marine Corps combat veteran and advocate for Project Welcome Home Troops (PWHT), to host a showing of “Almost Sunrise,” there was no question we would do it,” said Keith, who is himself a Marine Corps veteran who served three tours in Iraq. “The story of two warriors — Tom Voss and Anthony Anderson — trekking across the U.S. to rediscover themselves and find healing through alternative, holistic therapies is important for our community,” Keith said.
Healing through holistic practices is a predominant theme throughout “Almost Sunrise.” Project Welcome Home Troops provides holistic Power Breath Meditation Workshops.
“As a participant and now as a facilitator of Project Welcome Home Troops workshops, I can say that without a doubt this is the most powerful form of alternative therapy that exists for veterans,” Hall said. “The time commitment of a few hours a day for five days can be life changing, as I have seen on multiple occasions.”
The Power Breath Meditation Workshop is a mind-body resilience building program for returning veterans, offering practical breath-based tools that decrease the stress, anxiety, and sleep problems many returning veterans experience.
“The workshop has immediate results, and provides our veterans with free tools that they can use anywhere, at any time, to help them be more resilient and to manage stress,” Hall said.
The film also acts as an urgent call for communities to better understand deep-seated psychiatric wounds. “Thankfully there are programs in Fredericksburg like Project Welcome Home Troops, Team River Runner, and Team Red, White and Blue Fredericksburg that are active promoting health through camaraderie and athletics,” said April. “We hope our community will watch “Almost Sunrise,” and leave with a better appreciation of the ongoing struggles many of our veterans face.”
Tickets are $5, and all proceeds benefit Project Welcome Home Troops. Tickets can be purchased through:
– River Rock Outfitter, 915 Sophia St., Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401; Phone: 540-372-8708
– Adventure Brewing North, 33 Perchwood Dr., Fredericksburg, Virginia 22405; Phone 540-242-8876
– Adventure Brewing South, 3300 Dill Smith Dr., Fredericksburg, Virginia 22408
The film will be shown at Adventure Brewing South.
You can learn more about the programs mentioned at:
– Almost Sunrise Documentary: http://sunrisedocumentary.com/#
– Project Welcome Home Troops: http://www.projectwelcomehometroops.org/
– Team River Runner: http://www.teamriverrunner.org/
– Team Red, White and Blue Fredericksburg: https://www.facebook.com/TeamRWBFXBG/
Photos: 10th Annual EOD Warrior Foundation Polar Bear Plunge