
Marstel-Day Receives Two Environmental Business Journal Awards

by | Feb 15, 2017 | Business

From staff reports.

Marstel-Day, LLC has received two awards from the Environmental Business Journal (EBJ), recognizing the company’s Stand With Wildlife campaign, and its support of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Migratory Bird Treaty centennial.

Through the Stand With Wildlife campaign, Marstel-Day partnered with many organizations, including the National Conservation Leadership Institute (NCLI), the Jane Goodall Institute, Five Gyres, The Wildlife Center of Virginia, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, to identify and develop strategies to protect, restore, and enhance the world’s diverse wildlife and their habitats, and on presenting ways individuals and businesses can help make that happen.

Marstel-Day was also recognized for providing support to and coordination of a campaign marking the centennial of the Migratory Bird Treaty between Canada and the United States.

Signed in 1916 between the US and Great Britain (acting on behalf of Canada), the Migratory Bird Treaty is the first major U.S. legislation that protects birds migrating across international borders, according to Marstel-Day staff. “The two countries agreed to stop hunting all insectivorous birds, and to establish specific hunting seasons for game birds.”

“While the treaty has been very successful, migratory birds still face a number of challenges to survival, such as the rate of avian deaths from wind turbines, loss of critical habitat, and the use of pesticides, which continues to grow,” staff said.

The Environmental Business Journal awards will be presented March 22, 2017, at the Environmental Industry Summit XV in San Diego, California.

Headquartered in Fredericksburg, Marstel-Day is an environmental consulting firm, led by Founder, President and CEO Rebecca R. Rubin.
and CEO .

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