Chris Muldrow

A Letter from the New Owner of Fredericksburg.Today

by | Apr 17, 2017 | Business

Dear Readers:

I’ve known Susan Larson from around the time she started Fredericksburg Today. It’s been pretty amazing watching her go from zero visitors on the site a few years ago to the thousands of people who visit her site every month now. I’ve been building and running local news web sites since the early days of the World Wide Web, and I haven’t seen that kind of growth in very many places.

I’m not surprised by the growth, because Susan has worked her tail off to make the site what it is today. I feel like she’s created a place where local nonprofits, local businesses, and local people feel like they can share with the community. One of my old bosses used to say he wanted to “build a place online where the community can talk to itself,” and Susan has built that in Fredericksburg Today.

But Susan’s found an amazing opportunity to move (with her horse, Calvin) to a place where she’s always wanted to live, close to her kids, running a library. As a lover of books and the outdoors, I certainly understand why she’s going, but I’m sure our community is going to miss her.

When she told me she was moving, though, I didn’t want to see Fredericksburg Today just shut down. I think there are a lot of ideas Susan never had a chance to try, and I’d like to make some of those happen. And I think there are a lot of local voices who could join the conversation on Fredericksburg Today—I want to help those folks be heard.

So if you work at a nonprofit; or you run a local business; or you’re a writer or photographer; or you’re just a member of the community who wants to share what’s going on, keep in touch with us at Fredericksburg Today. It’s going to take a lot of us to try to fill Susan’s shoes.

Chris Muldrow
[email protected]

A Letter from Susan Larson on the Sale of Fredericksburg.Today

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