
This day in Civil War History: Battle of North Anna

by | May 23, 2017 | History

On May 23, 1864, the armies of General Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee met at the North Anna River after earlier fighting at the Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse.

About 68,000 Union soldiers advanced on the 53,000 Confederate men, who had positioned themselves along the North Anna.

Fighting on the 23rd was concentrated at Jericho Mills and the Chesterfield Bridge. Union forces were able to cross the river at Jericho Mills, but a strong defense at Chesterfield Bridge kept the Union from crossing.

Lee’s forces then formed what was known as an “Inverted V” defensive formation about five miles long to attempt to split Grant’s forces in two.

Fighting continued in the area until the 26th and ended in a stalemate.

Check out the Civil War Trust’s site for an overview of the battle.

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