
Community meetings to focus on vision for Fredericksburg

by | May 30, 2017 | Government

From City of Fredericksburg

A vision for the City of Fredericksburg in the year 2036 will be the topic of a series of community meetings to be held in June with Mayor Mary Katherine Greenlaw and the City Council.

Three community meetings are on the calendar, allowing several opportunities for citizens and stakeholders to hear about the plan which will help the City continue building its bright future. Eight major focus areas will be described, focus areas that are meant to guide City government decisions and actions over the next three years and towards 2036. Meetings will be held:

• Wednesday, June 7 at 7 p.m., Dorothy Hart Community Center, 408 Canal Street
• Saturday, June 10, 9 a.m., Mayfield Community Pavilion, 320 Tyler St.
• Monday, June 12, 7 p.m. Idlewild Community Center, 2280 Idlewild Blvd.

“I encourage the public to come one of to these meetings to listen and to offer their comments,” said Fredericksburg Mayor Mark Katherine Greenlaw. “One of the most important accomplishments of your City Council is to articulate the vision for Fredericksburg. We need to join together as a community to define the goals that will achieve our vision for Fredericksburg in 2036.”

At the community meetings, the mayor and council will speak about the development of the plan and be prepared to converse with attendees on the plan and priorities.

Work on the plan which was developed and refined over the past seven months, beginning with a two-day offsite meeting in October, 2016. The mayor and council were challenged to describe their vision for the City of Fredericksburg 20 years in the future. From that vision, the eight “desired future states” including focus on employment, education, transportation, the environment, culture, historic preservation, strong neighborhoods and public services emerged.

A series of 35 priorities with action steps for the next three years has been created by city staff to help implement the plan. Progress on the plan will be briefed quarterly to council and updated on the city’s website. It is envisioned that the plan would be evaluated every other year by the mayor and council, and adjusted/altered as needed to live the 2036 Vision.

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