
Data recovery – what’s possible and what’s not

by | Oct 27, 2017 | Experimac, Partners, Technology

From Experimac

Losing data is the most devastating thing that can happen when working with technology. If you have ever experienced this, you’ll know the pain we’re talking about. Whether it’s deleting a file, forgetting a password or the aftermath of a destroyed device, you know the agony this can cause.

However, not all hope is lost. In some instances, your data can be saved. So, what’s possible and what’s not when trying to recover data on your Mac® laptop or computer?

The first and most critical thing you should do once you realize you have lost data is: stop using the device. By continuing to use the device, you hurt the chances of recovering lost data. As frustrating as it may be to sit back and not use it, it can make the difference between what’s possible and what’s not.

There are several reasons why devices can lose data and the cause for the data loss may determine whether your data can be recovered or not.

Sometimes, lost data is a result of storage cloud issues. Some Mac users depend on cloud storage; however, some erroneously believe their data is instantly backed up. This isn’t always the case as most storage services typically synchronize with a folder instead of the computer’s hard drive. As a result, users sometimes cause damage to their own device when trying to find problems with their hard drive or software that do not exist. Making sure this is setup properly can make all the difference in the world.

When data is impossible to recover, it usually comes from a physical problem with the device involving the hardware. Due to their unique design, Mac devices can be difficult to fix. Some circumstances have easier solutions than others, making it best to leave data recovery to trained professionals who can properly diagnose the problem and do their best to recover missing information. Surprisingly, data can sometimes be recovered even after floods, fires, or other extreme situations.

Don’t risk permanently losing precious data. Stop by Experimac to see how we can help you avoid the need for emergency data recovery on any of your Apple® devices!

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