
Stafford School Board approves budget

by | Mar 7, 2018 | Schools & Education

From Stafford Public Schools

The Stafford School Board approved a $296,314,894​ operating budget request for
fiscal year 2019 at a ​Special Called School Board Meeting on Monday, March 5, 2018. This is a 6.24
percent increase over the FY18 Adopted Budget.​ The School Board’s Approved Budget​ continues to
strategically invest in public education in Stafford County. Over 83 percent​ of the budget is dedicated
to human capital, which directly impacts the division’s 28,650 students.
“The FY19 Approved Budget​ will permit SCPS to meet the increasing and diverse needs of our
students in the classroom and to continue efforts to provide fair and competitive compensation to our
teachers and support staff. The School Board has charged the Superintendent with assessing
additional staffing areas for attention in the next budget cycle in an ongoing effort to compensate fairly
all SCPS occupational groups,” said School Board Chair Patricia Healy.
“The School Board’s FY19 Approved​ Budget will help move the needle for SCPS in terms of employee
compensation, enhanced safety and security, instructional needs, capital improvements and
opportunities for professional growth. We are a growing division with increasing demands and this
funding request will help meet our needs,” said Superintendent Dr. W. Bruce Benson.
The requested budget was approved by a unanimous vote. The Board will submit the budget request to
the Board of Supervisors and both Boards will meet for a Joint Budget Work Session on Tuesday,
March 20, 2018​. For information regarding the FY19 Budg

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