
Mobile Location Tracking & Ads – Protecting Your Privacy

by | Mar 30, 2018 | Experimac, Partners, Technology

From Experimac

There’s no doubt that iPhone® devices are incredible devices. However, did you know that your iPhone device and some of your applications could be tracking your location?

Smartphones and their apps like Maps or Google Maps utilize your mobile location tracking information to provide GPS services. However, did you know that other apps such as gaming, restaurant or social media apps also use location services information from your phone? You can also be targeted to receive certain ads based on your location. For example, you may receive ads for a store when you are near that store.

While most users are not bothered by this at all, some are and would like to know which apps have access to this information. We’ve taken a look at some of the reasons why location tracking is helpful and how you can regulate which apps you allow to have access to this information.

Pros to Location Services:

  • Lost or Stolen DevicesiPhone devices can utilize mobile location tracking when trying to track lost or stolen iPhone devices by enabling location services.
  • Parental ControlsLocation services enable parents to keep tabs on their underage children and their location.
  • Locate Lost Friends or FamilyIf you have ever gotten separated from your group during a concert or other crowded event, you know how stressful it can be. By enabling mobile location tracking, you can find lost friends or family members in busy places such as concerts, parties or athletic events.
  • Law EnforcementIn the past, law enforcement has made good use of location services by utilizing it in missing person cases as well as for documenting criminal activity.
  • Emergency CallsWhether or not you enable Location Services, your iPhone device’s location information can be used when placing emergency calls in order to give first responders the ability to find and help you.

How to Regulate Location Services:

  • AppsYou can see which of your apps use location services by going to Settings>Privacy>Location Services. You can also individually control which apps can use your location services and when. Just know that some apps require it in order to function.
  • GPS AccuracyIn order to ensure your GPS app is as accurate as possible, be sure to set the correct time, date and time zone under Settings>General>Date & Time.
  • Location Based AdsIn order to turn off mobile location tracking based advertisements, you can go to Settings>Privacy>Location Services and tap on the System Services button. Flip the Location-Based iAds to OFF.

If you are having trouble with mobile location tracking and regulating who you share this information with, Experimac’s techs are well-versed in the settings and features you’ll want to take a look at. Stop by your local Experimac store today and we will gladly help you out.


Business hours are Monday – Sunday 10 AM – 8 PM. Experimac is located at 1865-106 Carl D. Silver Parkway, Fredericksburg, VA 22401.


Looking for ways to keep your personal information personal? Your Fredericksburg Experimac store can help make sure you are doing everything possible. Stop by today!

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