
Get Your Team on Track: Business Collaboration Tools for iOS® Operating Systems

by | Jul 20, 2018 | Experimac, Partners, Technology

From Experimac

One of the most up and coming business trends right now is how to integrate new ways to improve team collaboration. From strategies to software, this trend continues to grow as does every business’s desire to boost productivity. Luckily, the iOS operating system makes integrating collaboration tools easy as there are several compatible apps and programs designed to run on the iOS operating system. Not only does this save your business time, energy and money, it will ultimately make everyone happier and more successful.

Below are some ideas for tools you and your team may find helpful in 2018 and beyond:

  • Communication
    1. GoToMeeting: Easily host webinars and conferences with this application, taking away the need for team members to leave the office for meetings. Schedule meetings in the application’s calendar or make and share presentation annotations.
    2. appear.in: While video communication is the main purpose of this tool, this tool also makes it easy to share presentations, images, or photos, or comment on documents and spreadsheets.
    3. BlueJeans: Instant messaging, dual streaming and meeting recording is easy to achieve with this application.
  • Project Organization
    1. Basecamp: This user-friendly application is a great way to organize tasks and share feedback. Easily share deadlines, delegate projects and share a variety of files with this project organization tool.
    2. HiveDesk: Easily monitor productivity of remote workers and manage projects. This tool is great for tracking the performance of contractors or freelancers.
  • Time Management
    1. TimeCamp: Track holidays, time off, monitor time-wasting websites and establish goals with this app. You can see first-hand how employees spend their time, helping you maintain efficiency as well as properly determine deadlines and how much to take on.
    2. FreshBooks: As a cloud-based small business accounting software, it facilitates the sending of invoices, tracking time, managing receipts, tracking and managing expenses, and more. Time tracking is probably one of the most unique features – see how much time it’s taking you or your employees to do something and send more accurate invoices. Be the most productive you can be by saving time and money!

Keeping your team on track has never been easier. Try these tools to improve collaboration amongst your team members; it may take some time to implement something new but in the end, we are confident you will feel it was worth the time spent.

Does your team need updated hardware to use these tools? Experimac can work with you to upgrade or replace your laptops or desktops with certified preowned Apple® products. We have experience partnering with businesses across the country. Experience the Experimac Difference, call Experimac today!


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