
It Makes Sense to Buy A Certified Pre-Owned MacBook Pro® Laptop Instead of a New One: Here’s Why

by | Apr 10, 2020 | Experimax, Partners, Technology

From Experimax

Digital technology, now more than ever, has transformed how we work, how we communicate and how we engage. The laptop has remained a primary computing device for good reason. Laptops are ergonomically comfortable and more efficient than ever, thanks to increased battery power. They also provide a portable computer that can have all the features of your desktop with a screen size that makes actually working on one just as efficient as your desktop, which is a competitive feature when compared to smartphones and tablets. Professionals and creatives appreciate the natural ease and portability of using a laptop for group projects and working in places your desktop can’t travel. While smartphones and tablets are cute and convenient, laptops are still a preferred method to efficiently get the bigger more complicated jobs done. 

Apple, Inc.® laptops were designed to be luxurious in both style and functionality, and they rarely become infected with a virus or other malware. Apple products continue to be an innovative tool even years into their performance. They were designed to last and to remain efficient even after newer models are released. The quality lies in both the hardware and the software, both of which are engineered with typical users in mind. The focus is on the consumer and how the product can continue to be resourceful long after its production. 

Apple products are designed to improve your life, but a new system can be costly for some consumers. A top-seller for Apple, the MacBook Pro laptop, is popular among a variety of users, including professionals and students alike. If you’re considering buying a MacBook Pro laptop, be honest with yourself about how you will use your laptop. Surprisingly, you likely don’t need to purchase the newest or most expensive laptop on the market with features you may not even need. Whether you need a laptop to perform simple or relatively complex tasks, a certified pre-owned MacBook Pro laptop from Experimax will help you get where you need to be both creatively and productively while saving you money.

Certified pre-owned laptops at Experimax have been thoroughly inspected and tested by our Apple Xperts. We will ensure any laptop you purchase is reliable and ready to perform the way you need it to. Furthermore, when you purchase at Experimax, your laptop will be covered by Experisure, our product warranty – which means peace of mind for you. And the best part of all, although our products are offered for up to 60% less than retail prices, we also offer financing.

Experimax is located at 1865-106 Carl D. Silver Parkway, Fredericksburg, VA 22401.

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