
How to Sell or Trade Your Mac® Computer in 2020

by | May 15, 2020 | Experimax, Partners, Technology

From Experimax

When it’s time to sell or trade your Mac computer, there are steps you can take to ensure your system is ready for the next user. Just as you would prepare a car for resale, your computer should be primed and prepped for sale or trade. When done well, the time spent cleaning and restoring your computer will amount to a better trade-in/resale value. Systems that have been properly cared for are most appealing.

Keep the steps below in mind when you are going to sell or trade your Mac computer.

  • Clean the product: This is an opportunity to give “new life” to your computer, but also a way for you to assess any damage, marks, wear and tear, etc. Your attention to detail may lead to more money for your trade or sale.
  • Back up your data: You’ve worked hard and amassed a lot of data and information on your Mac computer. Take the time to back it up to another device or an external hard drive. If you are selling or trading in your device at Experimax, our local techs are available to help you with this process.
  • Sign out of all accounts: iTunes® program, iMessage® feature, etc. each use unique usernames and passwords. It’s important to clear this information so that another user cannot use your accounts. Also, be sure to unpair your Bluetooth accessories as an added layer of precaution.
  • Factory reset: “Wipe” your system of all your data and information including passwords. This will restart the computer so that the new user has full access to the system and no access to your personal information. A factory reset includes deleting the system’s data but also reinstalling the Operating System for the next user. If you sell or trade your device at Experimax, our local techs will gladly assist you with this process.

Experimax takes pride in the high-quality products that we inspect, certify, and offer for sale. Our customers rely on our expertise and professionalism. Customer satisfaction is an integral part of our business model. Visit or call your local Experimax regarding the sale or trade of your Mac computer.

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