
Women and Girls Fund grants $50,000 to community organizations

by | Jun 12, 2022 | Non-Profits

The Women and Girls Fund of The Community Foundation of the Rappahannock River Region has awarded $50,000 to three regional nonprofit organizations working to meet the needs of women and girls in our community.  On May 12, members of the Women and Girls Fund gathered for the fund’s annual Live Ballot event. This event highlights the role of participatory philanthropy at The Community Foundation. Fund members heard
from nonprofit organizations regarding their grant application and made their funding decisions.

Each year, organizations are invited to apply for funding to help meet a specific need facing women and girls in the community. Congratulations to the following grant recipients and for their dedication to address the issues facing women and girls in the Rappahannock River region:

#1 Lloyd F. Moss Free Clinic
Lloyd F. Moss Free Clinic (Fredericksburg Area Regional Health Council, Inc.) will receive full funding for their “Focus on Women’s Health” program.

#2 STEM Education and Innovation Center
STEM Education and Innovation Center will receive full funding for their TechBridge Girls and Virginia-Out-of-School Time program.

#3 Rappahannock Area YMCA
Rappahannock Area YMCA will receive partial funding for their “YCMA Power Scholars Academy” program.

Become one of 1,000. The Women and Girls Fund warmly welcomes new members to join and invest in women and girls as a powerful way to advocate for our community. Members of the fund focus their talent, ideas and financial resources to meet the critical needs of women and girls in our community. Over time, The Community Foundation seeks to grow The Women and Girls Fund to 1,000 women who, together, donate $1 million creating an endowment that makes future grantmaking a permanent, sustainable community asset. To learn more or join, visit https://www.cfrrr.org/who-we-are/womenand-girls-fund/

About The Community Foundation

For more than 25 years, people who give through The Community Foundation have made a
significant positive impact by establishing over 180 funds that collectively give over $2 million
each year to local nonprofits, churches and schools.
The Community Foundation is a nonprofit organization that manages and distributes charitable
giving in the Rappahannock River Region. The foundation promotes greater philanthropy by
addressing the challenges faced by donors in a responsible and knowledgeable manner. We
distinguish ourselves from other local charities by providing efficient and effective services to
build a collection of permanent funds.
One of The Community FoundationÊs strategies for preserving and growing the quality of life in
our region is supporting higher education for area students.
The Community Foundation offers a spectrum of services for individuals, organizations and
businesses that are eager to achieve great results with their charitable actions. For more
information call 540 373-9292, email [email protected] or visit www.cfrrr.org.

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