
A new events calendar…again

by | Jul 22, 2022 | Chris Muldrow, Columns

Hi, everyone, this is Chris Muldrow, publisher of Fredericksburg Today. We’ve got some new stuff cooking on the site.

We’ve had an events calendar on the site for a long time, but it’s always been a bit problematic. The first tool we used was WAY too complex, and people complained about how much data that had to add for every event–especially since they already had most of that data on their own Website with the event details.

Then we switched to a third-party partner for an events calendar, but we found we kept getting out-of-town events on the calendar. Plus, it was still hard for you guys to add new events.

So the crack squad of developers at Fredericksburg Today (we call him Alex) built a simpler, better calendar tool for the site. Basically, you can add a picture, an event description, a URL for your event page and a range of dates, and it will post to the site. (You WILL need to have an account to log in).

Madison has posted some events to the calendar already, so you can check it out. Or you can add an event here.

Keep your eyes peeled for more new stuff on the way. (And thanks as always to the amazing Ted Schubel, who keeps the gears grinding on this site…we’re pretty sure he never sleeps)

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