
Introducing FredToday’s newest feature: a “cutest pets” contest!

by | Aug 5, 2022 | Columns, Contests

Submit your pet photos now!

Send us your cute pet pics to win a $50 pet-store gift card!

Hello everyone — it’s Madison, Fredericksburg Today’s intern. We’ve got lots of new features in the works this summer, and today is the launch date for my personal favorite, a pets contest!

We’ve always been a pet-friendly office, and we’d love to see all of your four-legged friends. So our developer, Alex, tracked down a contest tool and built the new page. You’ll soon find a link  to the pet contest page on FredToday’s home page.

The contest will run monthly with a two-week submission period and two weeks to vote for your favorite pet pictures. You’ll need a free Fredericksburg Today login to submit your photo, but anybody can vote!

Just in case knowing you have the cutest pet in town isn’t enough, we’ll be handing out special prizes to each month’s winner. Our first contest will come with an extra special award: a $50 gift card to a local pet shop.

The submission process is simple — all you’ll need to upload is a photo, your pet’s name, and an optional description. You can share your pet’s post to social media so that your friends and family know where to vote.

Special thanks to Alex for building the new page, and as always to Ted Schubel for keeping the show rolling while we monkey around with the pet contest page.

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