
Fredericksburg streets convert from one-way to two way for traffic calming

by | Nov 10, 2022 | Traffic

From the City of Fredericksburg:

On Thursday, November 10th, the one-way sections of Washington Avenue, Fall Hill Avenue and Maury Street, north of the canal and adjacent to the old hospital, will be converted to two-way traffic flow.  Over the recent weeks, the City’s contractor has been working to upgrade access ramps, milling the streets sections, and paving these areas.  The contractor is in the process of adding new pavement striping as the final step to make this traffic pattern change.  City crews will also be making signage changes as part of this last step.

Consideration to make this traffic pattern change was included in the Area 6 Small Area Plan adopted by City Council in February 2019, after extensive outreach with local residents and businesses regarding the Small Area Plan.  It was proposed as a measure to assist in traffic calming to reduce vehicle speeds in area neighborhoods.  Subsequently, the proposed change was the subject of an engineering study completed in October 2019. The City Council then programmed and funded the project in the FY23 Capital Improvements Program.

The traffic pattern changes from one-way to two-way streets is intended to affect driver behavior to reduce vehicle speeds in presenting a narrower appearance and to prevent vehicles from passing, which should increase safety of pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists.  This will also make the streets more efficient by reducing travel distances.

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