
It’s a boy!

by | Jan 13, 2023 | Police and Fire

From the Stafford Sheriff’s Office:

The Stafford County Sheriff’s Office would like to congratulate a North Stafford family on the birth of a baby boy after a telecommunicator coached the father during the delivery.
Thursday morning at 2:26 a.m. Telecommunicator C.E. Ratola answered a 911 call from a residence in North Stafford. The caller explained his wife was in labor and he had been preparing to take her to the hospital. The baby had other ideas.
The father realized he did not have time to get to the hospital and Telecommunicator Ratola was the calming voice to talk him through the delivery. Mom and dad did great! Within 5 minutes a healthy baby boy was added to their family. Stafford Fire and Rescue arrived a few minutes later and transported mom and the baby to the hospital to be checked out.
Congratulations to the family and thank you to Telecommunicator Ratola!
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