
Caroline Sheriff responds to events in Memphis

by | Jan 28, 2023 | Police and Fire

From Caroline Sheriff Scott Moser:

In light of the recent incident in Memphis, Tennessee, which depicts a blatant abuse of authority by members of the Memphis Police Department, I am compelled to address you, the citizens of Caroline County.

I am saddened and appalled by the actions of these Memphis Police Officers. Their actions are inexcusable and not what anyone should expect from law enforcement officers. I pray that justice is done in this situation, and that all of those effected, including law enforcement agencies everywhere, can reflect on this situation and use this moment as a catalyst to fix these problems for the betterment of our nation.

As your sheriff, I promise you transparency, honesty, accountability, and compassion. The recent approval of body-worn cameras by our board of supervisors was a forward step in providing that transparency and accountability.

Law enforcement agencies and officers obtain their culture and methods of conducting business from their leadership. I am dedicated to maintaining a culture of community-committed public servants in the Caroline County Sheriff’s Office. We are not above, or better than any of you. We are here to serve and protect you, and we truly care about the people of our county.

The sheriff’s office cannot be effective without the trust and support of the citizen’s we serve, and I am committed to earning the continued trust of our citizens.

As always, my door is open to all citizens of Caroline County, and I encourage anyone who has concerns about our community or the Caroline County Sheriff’s Office to visit me at the Caroline Sheriff’s Office, or call (804) 633-1122.

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