
Shoulder widening begins this week in Stafford

by | Mar 19, 2023 | Traffic

VDOT says a combined safety and resurfacing project on Kellogg Mill Road in Stafford County will begin this week to slightly widen shoulders and deliver a smoother travel surface.  Starting Monday, March 20, motorists can expect mobile lane closures and one-way, alternating traffic. Work will occur between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday thru Friday.

Widening work will begin first on the 2-mile section of Kellogg Mill Road between Poplar Road and Abel Drive. Weather permitting, work is anticipated to be underway along this section of Kellogg Mill Road for two weeks.

Once this section is completed, work will begin in the half-mile section of Kellogg Mill Road between Mountain View Road and Ramoth Church Road, and is anticipated to be underway along this section for a week.

This project is a partnership between VDOT and Stafford County.

Shoulder widening provides more recovery space for drivers if their vehicle strays from the travel lanes. The project is intended to reduce the risk of crashes and injuries that can result from vehicles running off the road.

Construction will occur in two phases. Widening work is scheduled to occur first, before Kellogg Mill Road is resurfaced later this year.   Kellogg Mill Road will be slightly widened by approximately 12-inches on each side of the road.

A new layer of asphalt will cover the widened area to create a uniform appearance and smooth travel surface. New centerline lane markings will be painted for a brighter and more reflective appearance.

Kellogg Mill Road has two travel lanes, and will remain two lanes after the widening and resurfacing.



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