
Virginia School Boards Association President visits Fredericksburg City Schools

by | Apr 5, 2024 | ALLFFP, Fredericksburg, Schools & Education

Virginia School Boards Association (VSBA) President Dr. Cardell Patillo traveled to Fredericksburg City Public Schools on Friday for his next stop on the VSBA President’s Roadshow. The visit included a tour of five schools throughout the city. Patillo was joined by Fredericksburg City School Board Chair Jarvis Bailey, as well as members Molly McFadden and Kathleen Pomeroy.

The visit provided Patillo with an opportunity to learn more about the city’s program offerings, schools and students.

The tour began at Walker-Grant Center, where Patillo learned more about the school division’s preschool and alternative education programs.

Next, the tour proceeded to James Monroe High School, where Patillo gained insight on the CTE/SPED/Hive collaboration, a collaboration aimed at providing diverse learning opportunities for all students.

The third stop on the tour was Hugh Mercer Elementary School, where Patillo saw the community garden and the school’s food pantry. Next, the group visited Lafayette Elementary School to see the school’s Sunshine Garden.

The final stop was at Walker-Grant Middle School where attendees watched a fine arts performance, showcasing the talents of students in the arts.

“It was an honor to visit Fredericksburg City Public Schools on the President’s Roadshow,” Patillo said in a news release. “I had the opportunity to witness the great programs and services offered to the students in the school division. “These visits are crucial for fostering open communication and understanding the diverse needs of our local school divisions.”

“We were honored to welcome Dr. Patillo to Fredericksburg and to have the opportunity to showcase the remarkable dedication of staff and the significant accomplishments our students make on a daily basis,” Bailey said. “We are grateful for his interest in and support of public education and our journey toward educational excellence.”

This was the seventh visit on the VSBA President’s Roadshow. Virginia school boards are encouraged to contact VSBA to be considered for a stop on the Roadshow.

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