
7th Congressional District candidate questionnaire: Eugene Vindman

by | May 21, 2024 | ALLFFP, Government, Politics & Elections

The Fredericksburg Free Press asked candidates for the 7th Congressional District primary election to answer five questions in 250 words or less. The following responses are in the candidate’s own words and have only been lightly edited for length or clarity. The primary election is June 18. The general election is Nov. 5.

What was the moment you decided to become involved in politics?  

I joined the Army almost three decades ago out of profound gratitude for the refuge America provided my family and the knowledge that the freedoms and opportunities afforded to us must be defended. When my family and I arrived in this country, we had less than $800 between us. We spent our first night sleeping on our luggage at JFK Airport after we had fled a communist and antisemitic regime in the Soviet Union.

I decided to run for office last year because I believe our country is at a crossroads. Our democracy is facing threats from extremists. I took an oath to defend our constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic — and I fulfilled my oath when I reported former President Trump’s corruption. Now, my mission is to represent the people of this district in Congress and make sure that every family can thrive like mine did, in a free country where everyone gets a shot at the American dream. 

If you were to win the primary, would you broaden your message to appeal to voters outside your own party? If so, how?  

I am running for Congress to defend our democracy, protect our rights, and restore the economic opportunities that my family had when we came to this country but are now out of reach for too many.

I know these priorities resonate with a broad spectrum of voters who understand that our democracy is under threat. Since announcing my candidacy for this critical seat I have traveled across the district to meet voters where they are. As the Democratic Nominee, I will continue to share our message of bringing integrity to Washington and making sure that our government truly works for everyone.

The House of Representatives operates at the federal level. What will you do to ensure that the interests of your constituents in the 7th District are well represented?  

As the next member of Congress representing the Seventh District, I commit to being an advocate for local issues, a partner to community leaders, and a leader in moving our region forward.

In Congress, I will work with local officials to attract businesses, provide funding for infrastructure, and secure direct investments in our community. In a district as economically diverse as the 7th, I know many local issues don’t get the attention they deserve. That is why I commit to always seeking out local stakeholders to hear directly from them about the issues they’re most concerned with. 

What is the defining issue of this race?  

I believe the defining issue in this election is the future of our democracy. Since our founding, we have worked to more fully realize our ideals and expand our democracy. Now that progress is under attack. We have seen MAGA extremists attempt to pass voter suppression laws, politicians spread dangerous lies about election workers, attacks on abortion rights, and local extremists ban books on the holocaust and slavery. I’m running for Congress to expand rights, freedoms, and opportunities; not curtail them. 

It’s Jan. 3, 2025. You have been newly inaugurated as part of the new United States Congress. What is your first course of action?  

My first priority when elected will be to pass legislation to protect abortion rights, voting rights, and take measures to defend our democracy.

I will vote to pass The Women’s Health Protection Act to restore the protections of Roe nationwide. As the father of a young daughter, it is unacceptable to me that women are being denied access to healthcare just because of the state they live in. I will also proudly support The John Lewis Voting Rights Act, which would restore the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and defend against attempts to disenfranchise voters or deny access to the ballot box. I believe these two bills are critical first priorities to restoring our rights and freedoms nationwide.

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