
7th Congressional District candidate questionnaire: Terris Todd

by | May 22, 2024 | ALLFFP, Government, Politics & Elections

The Fredericksburg Free Press asked candidates for the 7th Congressional District election to answer five questions in 250 words or less. The following responses are in the candidate’s own words and have only been edited for length or clarity. The primary election is June 18. The general election is Nov. 5.

What was the moment you decided to become involved in politics?  

The moment I decided to enter politics came in 2001, after being called to serve as a Civil Service Commissioner and later as a County Commissioner. Alongside these roles, I dedicated my career to public service as a teacher, administrator, minister, and community board member. These 20-plus years of experiences paved the way for my successful political career, culminating in an appointment by the White House. 

If you were to win the primary, would you broaden your message to appeal to voters outside your own party? If so, how?  

Currently, my message is to appeal to people in general who are looking for a leader with experience of bringing people together and getting things done. Frederick Douglass once said, “I will unite with anybody to do right, and nobody to do wrong.” I have an extensive resume of serving people from all walks of life as a minister, educator, elected official, and so on. As a congressman, that will never change. 

The House of Representatives operates at the federal level. What will you do to ensure that the interests of your constituents in the 7th District are well represented?  

First, my commitment to my constituents is to staff my congressional and local offices with individuals who reside in the 7th district. I believe the people are best served by those who live amongst us with the same interests. Secondly, I am the only candidate in this race with experience on every level of government. This is important because as your congressman, I have the knowledge and understanding from a local, state, and national perspective of the impact of my decisions. Finally, I am your neighbor. Constituents will see me at church, grocery shopping, dining, coffee hours, and enjoying local events with families for an up close and personal contact. 

What is the defining issue of this race?  

The defining issue in this election is whether voters can see past the political agendas that have deeply divided our nation and choose a candidate who has a proven track record of achieving results and uniting people for the common good. I am that candidate. 

It’s Jan. 3, 2025. You have been newly inaugurated as part of the new United States Congress. What is your first course of action?  

My first course of action will be thanking God and everyone for their support of electing me as Congressman. Next, I will immediately go to work on behalf of the great families of the 7th District, representing their interests in congress to enhance our quality of life as a whole. This can only be done by building the necessary relationships with other members of congress, along with state and local leaders as well. 

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