The Community Give

Website Issues Challenging The Community Give

by | May 3, 2016 | Business

Update 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Due to website issues plaguing 60 communities involved in The Community Give, The Community Foundation of the Rappahannock River Region has extended the fundraising event to 12 noon Wednesday, May 4.

In addition:
– Donation hours at The Community Foundation,725 Jackson St., in Fredericksburg have been extended until midnight tonight , and from 9 a.m. – 12 noon on Wednesday.
– Donation hours at Union Bank branches will now include Wednesday opening until 12 noon.

Prizes are also being adjusted, said Lisa Biever, director of Donor Services.
– Two Patience Prizes of $1,000 each will be awarded to the nonprofit receiving the most unique gifts between 8 p.m. May 3 and 12 p.m. May 4.
– Tuesday afternoon prizes have been placed on hold, “because we feel it is unfair to award prizes when not all nonprofits’ donors can make the gifts they had planned,’ Biever said. The prizes currently effected are the golden tickets throughout the day, the Afternoon Social and Afternoon Lift prizes. Other prizes will be reviewed this evening and nonprofits will be notified via email.

“Starting late morning, we have experienced donation forms that do not load at all, or forms that load incorrectly,” Biever said. “Additionally, the leaderboards and profile pages are intermittently showing 0’s even though gift data has been captured.

“Thank you to everyone who has called or emailed your support as we take action to move forward with this event. Our goals are to keep The Community Give 2016 as positive and beneficial for nonprofits and donors as possible, and because it is a competition, we want to take every step to keep it fair.”

Those with questions may email [email protected], “including as much identifying information as possible.”

Updates will be shared on Facebook.


The Community Foundation of the Rappahannock River Region reports issues with The Community Give website, effecting the May 3, 2016, day of giving. From their Facebook page:

“Our website vendor, Kimbia, advises us that they are seeing improvements on the issues with the site where donors are experiencing slow or no donation forms,” the group wrote on Facebook at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday. “We will keep you apprised.”

Other Ways to Give
Donors to any participating nonprofit may bypass the website and:
1 – Drop off a check at The Community Foundation, 725 Jackson St. in Fredericksburg, until 8 p.m.
2 – Stop by any Union Bank branch in the region to deliver a check.

Technical Issue
“Please be advised that there is an issue with slowed times on the www.TheCommunityGive.org website,” The Community Foundation wrote. “Kimbia is working to resolve this as swiftly as possible.

“Donors may visit the website and not see the donation form because it is loading slowly.

“Donors may also have the experience of filling in the form and making a gift, but when they click submit, the confirmation does not load. We have tested several of these and the nonprofits ARE receiving the gifts, the transactions ARE successful. Donors should have a receipt for their gift showing up in their emails, even if they don’t see the onscreen confirmation.

“Feel free to email any questions about donations to [email protected]

The Community Give
The Community Give 2016 fundraiser began at midnight and ends at 11:59 p.m. May 3. Profiles of all participating nonprofits are posted online.

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