A chance to remember a life lost too soon with messages to parents and students of “See Something Say Something.”

 A chance to remember a life lost too soon with messages to parents and students of “See Something Say Something.”
2024 Baron Braswell Run Against Teen Violence: Spotsylvania Sheriff Roger talks about prevention.
Baron Braswell’s mother says every act of teen violence impacts the community.
“Under my leadership we’re not going to tolerate any acts of violence in our schools.”
The Sheriff’s Office says they are not soliciting donations by phone.
State Police say the 79-year old pilot from Fredericksburg suffered serious but non-life-threatening injuries.
Orange Sheriff’s Office provides the time line of when a loaded gun was found Monday in the backpack of a 6-year-old student.
The Caroline Sheriff’s Office says 35-year-old Charles Cousins III of Martinsville was arrested for distribution of methamphetamine in Caroline County.
Lee’s Hill Golf Club hosted the Firefighter Cancer Support Network Golf Tournament on Monday–remembering Virginia firefighters who have died of occupational cancer.
144 golfers participated Monday in the 4th annual Firefighter Cancer Support Network golf tournament at the Lee’s Hill Golf Club in Spotsylvania.
Police say the robbery took place at UVA Community Credit Union in the Meadowbrook Shopping Center about 10:40 Saturday morning.
The state-of-the-art center will be located next to the Academy on Lee Hill Drive in Spotsylvania.
Stafford’s annual 9/11 progam at the Courthouse with Board of Supervisors Chairwoman Meg Bohmke, Sheriff David Decatur and Fire Chief Joseph Cordello.
First responders and the community attend programs througout the day.
You can drop off expired or unused prescription drugs regular buisness hours Monday-Friday.
Executive Director Mike Harvey says an indoor firing range will give them more training scenarios and better trained officers.
Teacher is now facing a felony charge of extortion in writing and a misdemeanor charge of violating a protection order.
Juvenile suspect in custody, charged with second-degree murder.
The alleged victim’s mother reported to the sheriff’s office that when her child returned home from school she noticed bruising on her back and ribs.