City Council Candidates Agree Tax Hike Needed

City Council Candidates Agree Tax Hike Needed

By Susan Larson
This article has been updated to include the reason Brad Ellis did not participate in the candidate forum.  He was out-of-town.
A tax increase is needed in the City of Fredericksburg agreed three City Council candidates who participated in Wednesday evening’s candidate forum, hosted by the Fredericksburg Democratic Committee.

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City Council Candidate Brad Ellis

City Council Candidate Brad Ellis

By Susan Larson
Brad Ellis is running unopposed for the Ward 1 City Council seat in the Tuesday, May 6, 2014, Fredericksburg General Election.
Each candidate was invited to answer the same three questions from Fredericksburg.Today.  Answers from Brad Ellis follow.
1 – What is your educational background?  Degrees earned and from where?

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City Considers Real Estate Tax Exemption for Diamond Nation Stadium Complex

City Considers Real Estate Tax Exemption for Diamond Nation Stadium Complex

By Susan Larson
Diamond Nation has requested a permanent real estate tax exemption from the City of Fredericksburg in exchange for a revenue share “in perpetuity” and the city’s investment of up to $26 million to build a baseball stadium and sports complex in Celebrate Virginia South.
The new terms came in a letter to City Council on August 21 from Diamond Nation owner Jack Cust.

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