Salaries of Fredericksburg area county or city administrators have increased dramatically in recent years.

Salaries of Fredericksburg area county or city administrators have increased dramatically in recent years.
The March 28 work session is open to the public.
The budget includes a recommended 3 cent real estate tax rate increase.
Parking in the lot is free.
In 2015 a “miscommunication” damaged the archaeologically sensitive area and unearthed Civil War-era human remains.
The forum will provide an opportunity to offer feedback as to the best location for the Visitor Center.
Presented at the November 22, 2016, City Council meeting.
The two-day meeting is open to the public.
In the past decade, the City of Fredericksburg has invested about $11 million in water and sewer upgrades.
A four-person committee will begin narrowing the pool of 57 applicants, with interviews of the top five expected to begin in the next two weeks.