Finding Time to Do More

Finding Time to Do More

A column on Fredericksburg.Today by Linda Clevenger, Organization Direct.
I have been having trouble finding time to do more every day. It has really taken some serious concentration to do everything that I “have” to do.

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Weather or Not – It Happens!

Weather or Not – It Happens!

By Linda Clevenger, Organization Direct
Weather or not – it happens! We have had one of the longest winters ever – especially if you are not a snow lover. I personally, don’t mind the snow, but it has been a bit stressful with all of the school closings, late openings, etc. My biggest impact, since I have a little girl in Kindergarten, was a larger bite out of my wallet this winter to pay for childcare.

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20 Organizing Tips, Part Three

20 Organizing Tips, Part Three

A weekly column on Fredericksburg.Today by Linda Clevenger, Organization Direct.
In recent weeks I’ve provided tips one through five, then six through 10 of my top 20 organizing tips.

Here are five more of my favorites  — making this the list of organizing tips 11 through 15.

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Top 20 Organizing Tips, Numbers 6 – 10

Top 20 Organizing Tips, Numbers 6 – 10

A weekly column on Fredericksburg.Today by Linda Clevenger, Organization Direct.
Welcome to Week Two of my Top 20 Organizing Tips.  I hope that you have implemented some of last week’s tips, and that you are on the road to getting your home, office and life organized.

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Time Management: 3 Tips for Saying No

Take Responsibility for Being Organized

A weekly column on Fredericksburg.Today by Linda Clevenger, Organization Direct.
Life may not seem fair but it is as simple as asking yourself this question: Am I responsible for my actions, reactions and the outcome?

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Change is Hard, Change is Good

Change is Hard, Change is Good

A weekly column on Fredericksburg.Today by Linda Clevenger, Organization Direct.
I remember how hard it was to move into our home because change is hard. However, change is necessary. We moved here from Camp LeJeune (Jacksonville), North Carolina, as our last tour with the Marine Corps. Moving to Fredericksburg meant so many things, including retirement (ha, right!)

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Self Management vs. Time Management

Self Management vs. Time Management

A weekly column on Fredericksburg.Today by Linda Clevenger, Organization Direct.
Recently, I listened to a very wise man speak about Self Management vs. Time Management. My first thought was that this was a very odd topic for a minister. I was amazed at what he shared, and how he shared it, and I feel the need to share his insights with you. The concept is that we don’t need to learn better time management. Rather, we need to learn better self-management.

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